The customer service excellence standard tests the areas that research has indicated are priority for customers, in particular, service delivery, timelessness, quality of information, professionalism and staff attitude.The assessment involved a policy, procedural and desk top reviews, along with detailed interviews with customers and staff.
To achieve such an award is a ‘seal of approval’ and confirmation that what we do is in the interests of our customers first and foremost. HSF health plan takes great care in consistently treating customers fairly, delivering our services on time, providing clear information and demonstrating a professional outlook from the inside outwards. Receiving the Customer Service Excellence® Standard is a great success for the company and one which every member of staff can be proud of.

In 2019, we celebrated 70 years of providing the health plan in Ireland. Our longevity is a result of our resilience in an ever-changing climate and our commitment to meeting the needs of our customers. It has been a privilege and we do not take our position for granted as we endeavour to carry on serving the UK and Irish community.