Daily Archives

22, September 2022

The Hospital Saturday Fund makes its first grants in Malta!

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The Hospital Saturday Fund makes its first grants in Malta!

Following the recent launch of its trading company, HSF health plan (Malta) Limited , The Hospital Saturday Fund charity made grants totalling €30,000 to The Malta Trust Foundation towards their Sunrise Project, a mental health home support service in Gozo and to the Emanuele Cancer Research Foundation towards an initiative within their communities, raising awareness and highlighting preventative measures.

Her Excellency, Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, former President of Malta, on behalf of the Malta Trust Foundation, was “delighted to receive grants from The Hospital Saturday Fund and hope the health plan will be successful in Malta so that HSF can continue to support further charities in Malta and Gozo who assist those in need.”

A charitable group originating in the UK in 1873, were founded to help ordinary people to access medical treatment, which was costly prior to the establishment of the NHS. The trading companies of the charity continue this aim, offering low cost health plans to employers supporting their employee’s wellbeing. This includes cover for everyday health expenses such as dental, optical and GP appointments alongside other medical costs, becoming a popular employee benefit in the UK, Ireland (since 1949) and now in Malta.

All profits from the health plan companies are passed to the charity, who make grants to charities within Malta, Ireland and the UK of up to €2.5 million in 2022!

Paul Jackson, HSF Group CEO, explained “All those who join HSF health plan, just by belonging, are making a contribution to the important work of the charity, not something which usually happens when an insurance policy is taken out.” The Hospital Saturday Fund, whose logo includes a Maltese cross, will become an impactful addition to the Maltese charitable sector in the years to come.